How to Work From Home and Keep a Stable Psyche

The last few years have turned the world upside down. Many work processes have been ripped up and redesigned, with many employees moving to remote work.
Remote workflow has proven to be simple and convenient only at first glance. In fact, many employees faced tremendous stress, incomprehension from loved ones, and a decrease in efficiency. Correcting the situation and building a comfortable working process is real.
Organize a Comfortable Workplace
Switching from being a family man to a professional is difficult, but a well-organized workspace and properly chosen clothing will help simplify this process. It’s hard to focus on work tasks and be a successful lawyer while in pajamas and under a blanket.
Create a separate work area for yourself, designed only for work issues, and for the time of work wear clothes that you will associate exclusively with the work process. Try to remove all irritants from your sight, so that there is no temptation to be distracted. So you can completely forget about Instagram, slots online, books, or other things you enjoy during these hours.
This will help your brain switch between “home” and “work” modes, and you will be able to easily concentrate on the tasks at hand.
Make a Work Schedule
When working from home, it feels like there is an endless amount of time to complete work tasks. However, if you don’t fix and plan hours of work in a calendar or diary, you can slip into procrastination, and eventually all the projects you will type the day before the deadline, cursing everything in the world.
To avoid this, make a work schedule for yourself, which will mark all the projects and tasks that are within your area of responsibility. Set an alarm and don’t work overtime. And don’t forget to include a lunch break or a fifteen-minute walk outdoors.
Take Your Breaks in a Timely Manner
Our brain is designed so that it is not able to keep the focus on the same task for dozens of hours. After 2-3 hours concentration is lost, information is perceived worse and productivity falls. To prevent this from happening, remember to take a break from work, for example, for 5 minutes every hour.
Talk to Your Loved Ones
Unfortunately, not all relatives understand what remote work is. They think that if you are at home, you can be distracted at any time by domestic issues. But usually they get rejected, and after that they get offended and start fights.
They can be understood because no one has explained to them that working from home is equal to working in an office. A person is unavailable during working hours to solve home problems. Just talk to family and friends about it, explain the situation and together find compromises that suit both sides.
Don’t Forget About Live Communication
The human being is a social creature, so he can’t do without communication for a long time. And no phone calls on the Internet can replace a real meeting with friends and family, no matter how we do not convince ourselves to the contrary.
Don’t lose your social contacts, and at least once a week meet up with colleagues in the office or friends outside of work. This will help you fight feelings of loneliness, depression, and fully compensate for the need for face-to-face communication.
Such meetings energize your emotions, help you rest your body and soul, and have a generally beneficial effect on your physical and mental state.
It isn’t difficult to build comfortable work from home. The main thing is to take into account as many details as possible and to eradicate as much as possible the negative factors that have a bad influence on the working mood and productivity.