Preparing to a Challenging Journey: The Main Things to Take on a Hard Trip

Most people enjoy carefree vacations when they can enjoy soft beds and fast Internet connection, letting them keep in touch with friends and relatives and playing at a real money casino online. But some prefer more challenging trips. Ready for such a journey? Then take everything from this list to make your adventure perfect.
A Comfortable Backpack
A quality backpack with wide straps and a reinforced back is your good friend on a long trip. But a suitcase with wheels or a shuttle bag is better left at home.
Comfortable Shoes
Take two pairs in case one gets wet. Trekking boots and high-quality sneakers are best. That way you’ll have one more durable pair – and lighter shoes to replace it.
First Aid Kit
It should have all your medications in stock. Do not cancel treatments prescribed by your doctor on your own.
Moreover, add to your first aid kit:
- Bactericidal patches (cloth patches hold up better, take a set of different shapes and sizes).
- Alcohol wipes.
- An antiseptic (such as chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide).
- Pain pills.
- Activated charcoal or its more modern analogues in case of poisoning.
- Diclofenac ointment for external pain relief.
- An antihistamine for unexpected allergies.
- Eye drops for conjunctivitis.
- A pair of sterile bandages.
- Cotton pads
- An elastic bandage.
- A cold base: remedies for a runny nose, sore throat, and cough.
Sleeping Bag
It’s useful if you don’t have pre-reserved places for overnight stays – camping, guesthouses, and hotels.
With a sleeping bag you can ask to sleep on the floor or even on the ground (but then it’s important to put something insulating) – or just wrap up in line and lend it to a frozen neighbor.
A Hiking Mat
That very insulating thing. It’s needed to sit anywhere with relative comfort – for example, on the side of the road or in the field.
A Hiking Mug
The best is a folding mug – nowadays they are easy to find, they are most often made of silicone.
Some people like thermoses – but thermoses are heavy. Only take one if you’re sure you can’t do without it.
Basic Cosmetics
For the ascetics, it’s just a washcloth, lipstick, and hand cream.
Not at all fussy? Take baby cream: you can use it on your face, hands, and lips.
And if you have an established grooming regime and you’re not ready to part with it – take only the essentials. Ten jars of face cream look good in the bathroom, but feel painful when you have to carry them for dozens of miles.
Wet Wipes
These are not environmentally friendly but handy. Take a pack or two. It’s better to take antibacterial wipes.
If there is no airplane in the plan, buy a 1.5-2 liter bottle of water and then refill it where you can. For example, at springs.
If air travel is part of the plan, take a refillable bottle: take it empty through security and then you may have luck with coolers.
A Hiking Blanket
A substitute for a hiking mat for those who are tired and want to sit out. It keeps you warm when it gets cold.
There are also special golden thermal blankets. They are good warming, but bright: taking this, prepare for increased attention of others.